23M depressed NEET, never had friends - AMA

Look dude maybe youll take some of what I say to heart knowing that I was stuck in a similar rut that I've spent the past few years climbing out of (that is, zero friends, zero social/life skills, screwed up abusive/neglectful home life)

The first thing you gotta drill into your head is that the only one who can change your life is you, nothings going to change on its own tomorrow, if you do nothing this is what your life will be in 6 months, in two years, and so on until the people supporting you either die or decide to stop. Clean your damn room, you dont "notice" it because youre majorly depressed and completely absorbed by your own thoughts and distractions and stuck in your own head. If nothing else do it as a sign of respect for the person who owns the house you live in, you may hate them for whatever reason. But even if they dont offer emotional support, they continually choose to support you at a loss to their income, pay them back for that at least by respecting their property. And believe me, once your space opens up youll feel like you can breathe and feel calm in there for the first time.

You've stagnated and have latched onto repetitive thoughts and patterns that may feel comforting but they keep you in your rut. Cut out the shit that you know isnt good for you. Theredpill is totally warped and oversimplified, if you pride yourself as a critical thinker you wouldnt buy so easily into this worldview that conveniently takes the onus of responsibility of failed relationships away from you and places it on everyone else for being terrible. If I understand correctly its not just women you dont have relationships with, but you struggle to make male friends either. Aside from that you probably know what your other crutches are, be they videogames, reddit or what have you. If theyre not making your life any better but just draining the hours of your life then make the choice to cut them out.

I gotta run some errands, best of luck to you dude. Honestly. Life is tough but breaking out of that smog of depression makes you see some of the amazing shit that outweighs the terrible

/r/casualiama Thread