(42F) Tired of living paycheck to paycheck, please help!

Regarding your career OP, did you want to keep working at the library? There are so many other options out there available if you want to leave. I'm young and not that experienced so I apologize to everyone if my advice isn't that good.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, I dropped out of HS and chose money over education. I've been working minimum wage jobs since then. Recently, I've been hired for a job that pays $12.50 CAD ($9.58 USD)/hr working at a child care facility. Minimum wage in Canada is $10.45 so it's not that bad at all for a drop out.

Since I don't have a diploma for HS and am already behind in life, I was surprised when they hired me. Anyway, they offer free college equivalent education in regards to child care and I have been offered to take it for free along with several other upcoming courses. After taking those courses and gaining experience in the field, I will be able to move up in my position within the company.

Just wanted to say that there are definitely options available if you ever want to leave your job.

/r/personalfinance Thread