The 45th President of the United States of America

No. We aren't. We are the greatest country, and the rest of the world follows us. There's a reason every year millions of people try to get into our country. A country where anyone can be anything they want to be as long as they work hard, and maybe throw in a bit of luck. A country where an immigrant can grow up and build the future. A country where we are told as children we can do anything and are taught to work on that. A country where we are happy together, grieve together, and usually try to be understanding of each other. A country where there is literally every kind of person you could imagine. We dream big, we have laws that in some countries people are still dying for, we have problems but we can change those problems of fix them which a lot of countries can't, we don't allow the majority to bully the minority groups (or we at least fight against it and are allowed too), and we fight for what we believe in. We are a country that always looks to the future, we will continue that.

These guys apologizing to you and saying "oh I don't disagree", don't realize how lucky they have it, and someone should tell you straight up.. shut the hell up, you wish you could be a damn American.

Donald Trump (who I voted for) might not be the best president in your eyes or others, but he is OUR president, the United States of America's president, and he will work with us, and we will work with him to make this country better. Which is something most countries don't have, a government FOR the people.

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