48 hours ban

Actually the use of more than one account will NEVER trigger detection specifically for multi-logging, but statistically the more accounts you have and use, the higher the probability you'll become a victim of false positives.
Since the only person who'll end up seeing this is your dumb ass I'm not going to provide additional proof beyond what my first comment linked. You can look these players up yourself and find out yourself that what you're saying is incredibly ignorant.
Michael RS on OSRS has 9 maxed accounts
A Friend has made doing "X" with "X" accounts ~6 times and has never had any of his accounts banned (usually 10-20 at once doing skilling methods) Wibb on RS3 has 3 trim comp caped accounts w/ 3b+ xp and has never received a ban. 99.9% of 5.4b xp accounts have an alt or multiple alts and they haven't received a single ban. There's been dozens upon dozens of mods address this issue before as well. But hey, just hit that downvote button and say some dumb shit again instead of learning from your mistakes ;)

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