The 5000%-increase drug CEO describes himself for a dating profile

Are you just trolling around buddy? If we had social healthcare anyone could just go to the hospital for a non life threatening condition and be helped but that isn't the case is it. You still have to have insurance and you can choose which insurance you have.

You are going to have to explain how we have a socialist police program?

You are going to have to explain how we have a socialist military program?

You are going to have to explain how we have a socialist mail program?

None of those organizations redistribute wealth. How are they socialists? Because we all pay into them? That is not what makes something socialists. You are just a keyboard SJW who has no idea what he is saying but read a lot of it on the internet and is frustrated that all of the adults are running the world and the little college kiddies like you think they have all the answers. You all point out problems but never provide actual solutions.

Patent laws protect creators and promote invention. Imagine for a moment you spend years developing a new type of paper that can be written on in any environment. You release it to the world. In the fantasy land you live in, without patent laws, anybody can instantly copy and replicate your idea giving you no royalty or credit. Kind of makes you not want to make something. Thankfully we live in a world where you can protect your inventions from shitheads.

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC!!! Pharma patents expire after 20 years. That pill has been open for nearly 70 some years. Even today, even with that price hike any company can still make that pill royalty free. You are just being coerced into believing the big bad corporation is at it again.

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