6 week transformation with one secret. Marijuana.

You're probably just smoking wrong. I'm not sure if this is a serious inquiry or not, but you can see results like his if you try. I'm not sure if you need to bulk or cut, but weed helps a lot with bulking. Just pre-make meals and put them in tupperware. Just avoid junk food and go to the gym for like an hour 4 times a week, a little bit of cardio mixed in. If you just get into the habit and forget about it you'd be surprised.

When I get high I don't necessarily crave sweets or junk food, I just get hungry. So a nice big bulk meal is great and weed helps make sure I get it all down. I usually don't smoke unless it's the weekend or at night after I've gotten all of my work done. Watching your body transform before your eyes is a huge motivator, too. It goes from you dreading going to the gym to not being able to wait until you can go the next time.

If you really want to get in shape you could do it, you just have to create a plan and execute. If you can't find the motivation to then you probably don't care enough. Sometimes it takes a few tries until you get it down. I've gone through phases where I'll go to the gym and workout a lot, try and maintain a healthy diet, but I always end up getting discouraged after a while. You have to really want it, otherwise you'll probably end up giving up.

You just need to find what motivates you. Different people are motivated by different things. A few of my friends were fat virgins when they got to college, but then they got sick and tired of hit and started hitting the gym. Now they're ripped and get all the girls. It sounds superficial, but that's the society we live in. Getting in shape can honestly make your attractiveness go up like 1-4 points (depends where you're starting at). That may not be your motivation, but that's just an example. Anyways, the difference between being lazy and out of shape and having a hard body and being in shape is just a few months. Look back to the beginning of the year. The amount of time that has passed since then is the same amount of time that it could take you to get ripped. It went by fast, right? That's literally all that's standing between you and getting ripped with bitches on your arms.

So yeah.

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