9.1 should make everyone excited, but instead, everyone I know is very lukewarm

You are thinking about when we are 6 months into the patch, but we're not going to be there for a long time - especially not right away.

I am not going to have any legendary upgrade until around 5 weeks into the patch when rank 6 is craftable.

At that point only one legendary will be rank 6 in a new slot if desires, but all of the others will still be rank 4 and i will have to unequip domination gems in order to put them on.

This includes multiple legendaries from each spec.

That leaves three choices:

  • A: Recraft the same legendary at the same rank into a different slot to be able to use it alongside your gems

  • B: Choose between legendary and gem

  • C: Pretend that the legendary doesn't exist for a few months until it gets to the top of the soul cinder queue

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