9/11/2001 - This video was taken directly across the WTC site from the top of another building. It is the most clear video that I have ever seen.

I'm sure you would never see Bundeswehr troops taking part in military campaign in a country far from ho... oh. Nevermind.

I agree, but I think 9/11's biggest impact was on the american psyche, not the middle east or anything else. You were able to defeat Nazi Germany, Iraq and China, but not guerillas hiding in a vietnamese jungle. You were able to beat the USSR, but not 20 men armed with knifes in planes. That left a dent, the realization of vulnerability towards ideologically motivated individuals, no matter the military might or the geopolitical supremacy. In fact, that is exactly what eventually motivates these individuals to target you.

I mean, the situation in Afghanistan will be back to Pre-ISAF times within 10 years, and Pakistan will deal with the Taliban as they always did. You guys used to be very concerned about your security ever since the Insane Iwan's ICBMs targeted your cities, but only since 9/11 the government is applying the same distrust against their allies and your own people. It generated a climate of fear, giving Bush complete freedom to leverage fundamental rights, implement medieval torture techniques proven uneffective for hundreds of years now, and

The Iraq war destabilized the region, true, but the IS developed in Syria, and eventually settled over to Iraq. It's true, it's a follow-up of an anti-american resistance movement, but there were enough other jihadist groups crazy enough to try that when the moment is there.

Americans think of themselves high and important

Because it's true. A lot of the shape of today's world is because of american influence, but that did not start at 9/11. South America is the best example for this, numerous CIA operations have supported anticommunistic dictators and toppled democratically elected, socialistic governments. America always tried to fight fire with fire, starting 10 new fires for every extinguished one.

I'd like to quote former german minister of economy Egon Bahr here: "In international politics, it's never about democracy or human rights. It is about the interests of states. Remember that, no matter what they tell you in history class."

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