( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ban all Muslims? No Problem! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ~~ Day 2

Yes. Islam is a religion. In fact, Christianity (given the fact that it reveres its founder as a literal GOD) is more of a cult.

Given the decentralized nature of Islam (in that there is no authority but god), it's the purest example of a religion today.

The women have to be covered up because the wife's of the prophet did so.

Nope. Historically inaccurate. Headscarves and veils are actually a pre-Islamic Persian tradition. They were not worn in 7th century Arabia, they were adopted after the Persian influence.

Islam is anything but vague

It is. It's the most ideologically diverse religion on earth. Its believers can agree on nothing beyond the basic tenets of the religion.

Majid Navaz

He's a Muslim. I thought the Mooooooslims were bad and shouldn't be allowed in?

You seem to be contradicting yourself. I can see why you like Trump. You have a lot in common. ;)

systematic destruction of minorities in all muslim countries.

Kind of like what happened in Iraq as a result of the US invasion. Or what's happening in Syria as a result of the US-backed rebels.

Gee, seems to be a common factor here. :)

It's since the inception of Islam that it has been speed by the sword.

I think you mean spread.

Also, Islam was spread by taxation and trade - not the sword. You'd be interested to know that the Umayyads, the largest Muslim empire in history, actively tried to discourage conversions to Islam - preferring instead to collect taxes.

The civilized world is at war with this ideology.

It isn't. Trump recently expressed his condolences for the death of Muhammad Ali and referred to him as a 'great man.'

Ali was a Muslim minister, a Muslim rights activist, and was extremely vocal of his love of the religion. Would Trump have called him ( one of the most famous Muslims on earth) a friend and great man if we were at war with the religion?

We're not at war with a quarter of the world's population. You're a very silly Trumpcuck if you think this the case.


Here's a picture of Trump in a MUSLIM country with a MUSLIM man who he referred to as one of his dearest friends.

Either Trump is a traitor who consorts with the enemy, or we're not at war with Islam. Pick one.

You know why you hear about rapes in india? Because India has a free press.

India is actually ranked as having one of the lowest freedom of press ratings in the world. The Indian government actively tried to stop a documentary discussing the epidemic of mass-rape in India.

Because the woman who has been raped has to produce 4 male witnesses..or if she can't, tough luck...adultery and you get stoned.

Most Muslim countries have laws based on purely secular values. Religious law very rarely has influence beyond family law.

Are you thick or what? Please go and educate yourself you illiterate fuck.

Yes. India has no real history of civilization. It's why they were conquered and subjugated for centuries by Persians, Arabs, Turks, and the British.

In fact, historians have often marvelled at this notion. That India, despite its age, has very rarely produced anything of worth itself - instead relying on foreign entities to provide for it. It's why a very large chunk of the Indian population are incapable of using toilets.

You mention 'rich Indians' who run companies. You'll note that these people are an EXTREME minority of Indians. Many of them are ashamed of being Indian, they hide their ethnicity behind names. Bobby Jindal changed his name and faith out of shame of being Indian.

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