Aborted Children are Saved?

be aborted and have guaranteed salvation or

Your question it's right on the money. Just asking this question points are huge flaw in the reasoning of Christians.

Up until about two years ago, I would have been angry at anybody that suggested if babies don't go to heaven. Until somebody post this very question.

There is no way to justify killing a baby to guarantee their trip to heaven. the only way out of this conversation that makes any kind of sense whatsoever, is to acknowledge that there must be a third choice.

Up until now everything has always been either heaven or hell. But the thought of sending a baby to hell is unconscionable. And the thought of killing a baby to send it to heaven is also unconscionable.

The third choice, and the only choice I've been able to come up with, and I'm still open to other possibilities, is that killing fetus in the womb, simply takes the life away from the child and the child experiences a failed life opportunity. No heaven. No hell.

If this is the case, it puts the moral responsibility on the shoulders of those who kill a baby. It is still taking a life. It is still murder. It is still unconscionable. And the responsibility and the burden a being a murderer falls on the shoulders of the murderer.

I also think you stumbled upon another issue within Christianity. What we have been told and taught is heaven and hell, might not have left us with an understanding that is accurate. But that's another topic.

/r/Bible Thread