Where in the Bible is hate promoted?

I thinks it’s all the major points for a non-believer that get quoted quite regularly in other reddits’, online and irl. I have a friend who is an exchristian and she regularly brings them up. Living out west in the US, people brought these up quite regularly.

So just the major talking points are being non-inclusive to homosexuality and different gender groups. People regularly say there was racism and can rarely site verses. If they do bring up verses, it’s the Old Testament where God cares about nationality not race. The oppression of women and how that patriarchy allowed for abuse, rape, inequality and murder of women. People can’t be individuals under Christianity or Judaism. Paul pushed for the oppression of women. People regularly don’t agree with how God told the Jewish people to start wars for lands they promised them. God killed all those people with the flood.

Other issues not relating to the Bible that get pushed onto it are: in strict churches, there is hated for nonbelievers. They judge or are radicals. It’s become a joke for full gospel or southern Baptist churches in the states. Christian’s regularly judge and full of hate since many of us talk about homosexuality and transgender in a negative light. Christian’s in general, we allow the patriarchy to continue.

Therefore, the Bible is bad, types of statements.

I’m not sure if this is what those people are referring to when they say the Bible promoted hate. These are topics I’ve encountered.

/r/Bible Thread