About to get an abortion

You know what a sacrifice is? You give up something in the present for the benefit of the future. That's what you did. It was a human sacrifice, symbolically speaking. It may be unborn and it may be an embryo, but symbolically you still sacrificed a would-be child for your own future which you envision to be much more enriched without that future kid. Hope its not something you regret. I know I did and not a day goes by where I'm not overridden with guilt for the sacrifice I made. Symbolism is deeper than scientific rationalisation which tells us its okay because an embryo isn't a living human being. Its not a living human being, true, but I can't shake the fact that the idea terminating a child is much older than the science which tells us "don't worry, its not a baby yet, no need to feel guilt" because I think the symbolism of it all is whats impossible for me to shake. Your therapists advice triggered me so much because people told me that stuff too almost verbatim and I believed it until it stopped being convincing after a while and I realise they were just post-hoc rationalisations for something much deeper which I couldn't escape from... symbolism. Its deeper than language and its deeper than science and its psychologically a huge pain. They aren't the ones who have to live with it.

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