I'm so scared. I need an abortion but I'm worried that it's too late.

I had an surgical abortion at 7 weeks. At 6 weeks, I knew something was up because I went on my placebo week and never bled, but mostly because my boobs just got crazy big. Like you, when I took the test, it was positive almost immediately. I wasn't prepared for that little plus sign, I thought I'd have up to three minutes to collect myself after! I didn't have any morning sickness or nausea but I had all of your other symptoms including spotting around the time that it must have happened.

I'm sorry you're going through this, and it's totally normal and okay to be worried about it. I was too, I worried that I was more far along (that test read positive so fast, did that mean I was more pregnant?? I thought) or not far along enough to terminate. I was frankly worried about everything. I was also due to leave the country two days after for work, so things were pushed into crisis mode overdrive. Looking back I'm sure the hormones weren't helping. Just try to treat yourself with kindness right now and do anything that you think might help you to feel more relaxed and calm in the mean time. I found it helpful to remind myself that "that's not something I can change right now" when I started worrying about what ifs. You will get through this. If you want to PM me, you can.

/r/abortion Thread