About NBA 2k21... can we all just agree to boycott that game!!!

Yes. Absolutely. But...

This game is not for us, as people who call themselves "gamers." This game is for NBA fans, who buy one or two games per year. Yeah, it's Seventy bucks, plus MTX. But if I, as an NBA junkie, play that shit for 1000 hours, it's worth it.

Same as FIFA, and Madden, F1, all the sports games. That's where they make the money.

Back when I was in college, 1991-92 ish, I played so damn much NCAA Basketball on my SNES (I think, maybe was Genesis). Literally a thousand hours. There was one dude on the UNC team that could hit every single shot from the corner. If that were 70 bucks, but was all I spent on recreation, outside of a meal or movie now and then, sure.

/r/PS5 Thread