[Academic] Paid research study about cameras in the home (US 18+, English-speaking) 

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Hi! I’m a student from the University of Washington assisting conducting a study on peoples’ perceptions of recording in the home through a series of six weekly activities with cameras.

These activities are meant to be thought-provoking and playful. All can be done with just your phone camera, no special equipment is required. Participation in this study involves (1) completing 20-30 minute activities with cameras each week for six weeks and (2) enrolling in a private online group and sharing your weekly activities with researchers and other participants in the study.

To be eligible, you (and your housemates, if applicable) must speak English, live in the US, and are over the age of 18. For your participation in this study, we will give your household $20 per completion of each weekly activity, and you will also be compensated $20 at the end of the exit interview.

If this is something that you’d be interested in, please fill out the attached survey.

/r/IndustrialDesign Thread