Accidental unity?

I work in a very influential field where a lot of these things are thrown about. I work with so many people like this. It's honestly astonishing. I love what I do bc I actually love helping others but there are many there with clearly ulterior motives.

People are not paying attention or are too scared to push back but this is not going to end well unless they do. We were made to go a mandatory training a few months ago where literally before the meeting, they make you pick whatever shape, colors or numbers you see pop up, and then given how fast or how consistently you chose a specific shape, color or number, they somehow deduce whether you're racist or not. Apparently I'm a racist who has a bias towards whites. Go figure, not my own people but whites.

Anyway, equality is not the end goal. It's a revenge they perceive is due. Tread carefully folks.

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