Acetic acid test at home?

Question 3: What are the laboratory tests for cutaneous warts?

Recommendation: Acetowhite test is recommended for the diagnosis of subclinical CA. (1C)

This is from the last article that was posted by fast tracks and the article is from 2022.

I’m only speaking for males. I’ve used the white vinegar test myself and then sent my pictures to my dermatologist (telehealth appointment)

And I treated the white areas.. if I could do it all over again. I would have never did the test. Why? Unwanted stress. Before I did the white vinegar test I would have never knew the areas was there.

After my research. Apparently, treating subclinical lesions is frowned upon. More so, the solution I used, podofilox isn’t supposed to be used on subclinical lesions ( this is per the instructions). I read it after the fact.

So, i think the test can be valid if you have a doctor overlooking your results. If your in the states, and you do this, you can’t treat properly unless a doctor prescribes the medicine.

My two cents, good luck

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