Question about Oral HPV

Okay dude. 1) Your ‘life’, hopefully, is long and prosperous and 2 years MAX (unless you’re EXTREMELY unlucky) is not even close to that, so stop using ‘my life’ (unless you had a ticket to the big boxing leagues and somehow not fighting the next couple of months throws that away). Even then, what, you’re the first boxer/wrestler in history to get an STI of the sort? Give me a break. 2) it didn’t prevent us from getting here but it will sure as hell help in getting us out, as opposed to a chain smoker (me 9 months ago when I quit) who does drugs and eats like crap and doesn’t do an inch of sport and gets the flu twice a month because of how sluggish his immune system has gotten at the age of 35+ etc... Yep that guy has a higher chance of it lasting longer but he will eventually clear it too. That’s not us. So that’s a pretty good thing to hang our hats on. 3) ‘what did you possibly lose to say my life isn’t ruined’ yeah okay, take your big boy pants off, you think you’re the only one who’s literally stopped everything because of this crap? Who are you to think you’re the ooonly one out of the 3 million people who get symptoms each year, to have your life messed up by this? Reddit has a tiny community to represent something that a huge amount of the population will get ok? I was a lot like the guy I describe above and I worked my ass off for 8 months at the gym, ended up with a statuesque godly physique that girls were melting for, and I’ve barely achieved that BOOM sti. How do you think that makes me feel? My muscles are already melting away because of the anxiety. But it’s temporary, and I know that, so I still try to workout every week and eat as best I can. I have this huge crush on a girl like I haven’t had in years, who probably likes me back, and guess what, assuming this leaves my body tomorrow, I will still wait 6 months before approaching her properly. 6 months during which any lucky bastard can sweep in and take her away. I feel like IM ruined right now because of that. But I still know there’s a statistically insane chance I’ll clear this, whether I end up with the girl or not. Went on my own rant here, but point is you’re not alone, your case isn’t better or worse than others here, we’re all suffering with this shit and we all want it gone, and most of us here will say goodbye to it sooner rather than later. It’s not optimism, it’s realism, because this ‘hope’ isn’t random, it is literally statistics. 90% clear it within 2 years, nearly 100% after that, and a couple of very unfortunate cases that you’ll see here because those fellas eventually hit Reddit up after 10’years looking where to go. Again a community of 5000 members or so to represent 3 million/year in the US only.

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