Does Dr Scholl’s freeze work for a GW

I took most of the cotton off a q tip so i didn’t get too much in there and have it spill off to the natural skin when I was dabbing it on. That’s really important. I was also using the 85% so it burned intensely and turned white after about 10-20 seconds. I let it sit for about 2 minutes and then neutralized the acid with baking soda. It turned black the next day and then scabbed and they fell off. The whole process took about 2 weeks but then like I said, I got too much on in one area and that part took the longest to heal. That one was massive though and I’ve had it for about 16 years and freezing never worked, it would just get some of it and then grow back double in size.

This stuff is the best shit I’ve used in the last 20 years and I’ve tried every home remedy in the book.

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