Serious advice on sex with HPV

It's because of people like you that I now have to live with HPV because the girl who gave it to me did the same exact fucking thing to me. You're a fucking monster, how dare you, you may have given this person a debilitating disease that's incurable for the rest of his life. What if he isn't as lucky as you and does develop warts, what if his symptoms are way worse and it doesn't get self cured? You need to be upfront with your partners, but you didn't say anything because you wanted some easy dick. Well your one night stand and trust me after you come clean and tell him that's all it will ever be might have cost him his entire life.

You're a disgusting waste of life, you need to offer to pay for his STD screening out of your own pocket, oh and be prepared for criminal charges because knowingly letting someone have sex with you while you have an STD and you dont disclose that information is a FELONY and he can absolutely press charges which I hope he does.

/r/HPV Thread