Active jw’s on here

Since when does being fired mean you can’t speak to your parents or children anymore? This is false equivelance.. Even prisons allow visits from family members of the convicted. If you have a code of conduct and want to distance yourself from someone you are allowed that on your own. But when you have an organization enforcing that rule on people who would rather have association with family and friends who leave, you’re going too far. A company can’t tell you to stop speaking to family and friends. Threatening that kind of punishment instills fear into people and leads to trauma and depression. It leads to suicide for fear of punishment. I’ve lost friends who committed suicide because they were afraid to lose contact with family and friends. They were sorry, too, but disfellowshipped anyways. These people were at their lowest point and were shot in the heart to enforce a rule that is so thoroughly devoid of morality that it lead to death and suffering. Go back in time and look at the rules that used to be disfellowshipping offenses and you realize that the rules themselves are inconsistent. The rules are only followed because the leaders determine the rules. If the leaders change their mind, the followers suddenly change their perspective. This is not autonomy, this is undue influence, manipulation and control. The pharisees saw themselves as more righteous than those who committed sins, but Jesus spent time with those people saying “the healthy don’t need a physician but the ailing do,” implying those who are at their lowest point and who are guilty of sin need more support, more help, more love. She condemned the Pharisees for their self righteousness. You’re just like those who followed the pharisees every word without taking into consideration the law of Christ which is that of mercy and love. What else did he say? “I want mercy and not a sacrifice.” The Pharisees were the same as the JW organization is today, self righteous, manipulative and morally bankrupt. Why? Because they prefer to follow and enforce their own traditions and personal perspectives rather than take personal responsibility for their own personal point of view.

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