Addicted to the unconscious

I’d argue that benzos are the absolute worst thing to be addicted to besides alcohol because you could run out of literally any other drug and it would suck immensely but almost certainly won’t kill. I was using insane amounts of RC benzos daily for 6+ months and no other drug ruined my life as quickly as they did. Ended up like 89 lbs and had two shoplifting charges (first felony!) and had to get treatment. Still can’t find a god damn job anywhere cos of that shit (and the pandemic I guess too). I seized in the beginning (though I’m sure it was partially due to being unhealthily underweight) and was scared for my life.

I use certain drugs from time to time now including opiates but I have one rule for myself and it’s basically don’t take even just one benzo ever. I’m more chronically anxious than I’ve ever been in my life but I’m still never breaking this rule.

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