[Adelaide, South Australia] What is this biting, low-res, bug?

Well, biting bugs are never a pleasant consideration and the first idea that springs to mind is the worst indeed but it is bedbugs (keep scrolling down to see similar pics):


They will bite all over but have been known to concentrate on ankles and some people react more (or are more tasty) than others.

Next idea is Chiggers:


And Biting Midges aka "Sandfly" in Australia (but you said yours only crawl):


Other things that bite ankles include mosquitos, ticks, and the already mentioned fleas. .

So, since you have a specimen (or maybe several) package it up and take to the South Australian Museum for an ID check:


Our team knows all about our exhibits and can even help identify any specimens you bring in. If you do manage to stump them with a particularly tricky question, they have our expert scientists to call on to help find the answer.

/r/whatsthisbug Thread Link - imgur.com