[Advice] 21 F, all kinds of fucked up.

So, my first memory of masturbating is at the same age as yours, I discovered porn at about the same time as you did, and I was diagnosed as hypersexual when puberty went full throttle at 9. A series of drugs were tried to settle me down, resulting in different kinds of psychological awfulness. I ended up saying hell no to any more drugs by 14, and I "coped" with my sex drive with lots of Internet time and lots of masturbation. At school, lots of bathroom breaks, because unless I was sexually exhausted I couldn't stand to be around some boys.

But how my sex drive fell was much less dramatic. It was a few years ago around 19-20 that things seemed to just level out on their own. I still seem to have a higher interest in sex than most, but it no longer feels like it's ripping my brain apart every time I'm attracted to someone.

But I think I might know what you mean about missing it. There's a powerfulness to it that makes you feel alive, like the sexual equivalent of an adrenaline junkie going skydiving. I would relish being aroused even if I knew I couldn't do anything about it. Especially if someone else was aroused with me.

Anyway, speaking only as a biology student and RA with neuroscience/pharmapsychology friends but almost no experience in it myself, I want to guess that the reason weed is helpful to you is the encoding specificity principle. Basically, you're less likely to remember (even subconsciously) things that happened with a certain "brain state" the further you are from that brain state, and even if you do, you're likely to less closely associate the memory with your current experience. At least, that's my understanding.

/r/sex Thread