Advice for using Medicinal Marijuana to treat depression?

Hi Reddit.

I am very new to this and am looking for advice from medical experts or people with depression who have used marijuana to treat depression or are currently using marijuana to treat depression

Backstory and reason for getting my prescription :

I am a 22 year old Canadian male who just received a prescription for Medicinal Marijuana. I have only smoked a few times as a kid and have only ever felt the effects once or twice. I have been struggling with Severe Depression for 5 years and have tried anti depressants, dieting, natural mood enhancers, natural anti depressants etc... And nothing seems to have any long term effects. I always end up getting dragged back down by my depression not having the energy or motivation to keep up with daily activities.

I recently looked into Medicinal Marijuana for a more natural treatment for my depression. After 2 weeks, I received my prescription and have used a few times. I have day time weed, afternoon relaxing weed and weed to help me sleep. I have a Pax 3 vaporizer and I vaporize dry herb. I have looked into edibles and oils but I don't know much about the effects.

Any advice whatsoever is helpful. I will try to answer any questions you have as soon as I can.

/r/AskReddit Thread