Advise for work-life balance

It’s petty of me, but you’re the one that made the same mistake twice with the language that you’re planning to teach. You also said that you are OK with not being the world’s greatest teacher. Well, I teach ESL, and I also supervise teachers, and that’s not what this industry needs. Why are you content with being mediocre? Why do you wanna push your mediocrity on other people? I see teachers that don’t give a shit on a regular basis, and unfortunately the demand to high in the country that I’m in, so I can’t do anything about it except try to motivate them to do a better job, but half of them would rather sit at their desk and watch YouTube videos all day, rather than plan a good, engaging and meaningful lesson. I’m sorry if you don’t like what I’m saying, but I don’t like that you want to do a half assed job. So my advice to you, would be don’t do it. If you care so much about fitness, then go be a personal trainer.

/r/TEFL Thread Parent