Afghanistan: All the female students started crying as soon as the college lecturer announced that, due to a government decree, female students would not be permitted to attend college. The Taliban government recently declared that female students would not be permitted to attend colleges.

Honestly this is how recruiting for the army works in America. They usually target low income barely educated people who fall into this false sense of patriotism. That's why we cant go around saying "thank you for your service" to every single military person. People instead should ask "did you do it for the steady check? Did you do it bc you were a cook and thats an easy job and harms no one? Or did you do it bc you watched video games and are a trigger happy pos who was stoked to kill brown people for fun? Did you actually protect people?" and so on because that line of questioning changes it all. Some American military people are great and others are the scum of the earth. Going into combat doesn't automatically make you a hero.

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