After a long time of watching observing the damage changes were kinda moot.

Try harder isn't the right wording here. But I'll use it. Trying harder implies you did work. When people know and willingly know that they were duped daily and still asked and sought after them. Trying harder loses all meaning. I've been here since BETA and not once did I "try harder" for a legacy. I simply got better at learning the game and sought better means to make my character work. People who try harder didn't and don't need a weapon that shouldn't and openly not exist in the first place.

People alone that paid real money for legacy broke the ToS and should by all means be punished for it. We all digitally access the same rules. "Trying harder" doesn't excuse them in the slightest. Same can be said for those that "try harder" to dupe them in the first place.

Don't glorify those that bend the rules for their own wills by saying they are the real heroes.

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