Vitalik Buterin’s Head-To-Body Ratio Deemed Structurally Unsound By OSHA

How much are you eating a day? I used to be very skinny for my height to weight ratio. I was 6’5” and 155lbs and I decided to shoot to go from 155 to 220 with 200 being my first target weight.

I learned after meeting with a nutritionist and personal trainer that for me to hit that target I would need to eat between 4,000 and 5,000 calories a day with a solid regiment of strength training.

I started doing strong lifts 5x5 three days a week and yoga with medium intensity cardio on my off days.

Within 3 months I gained 20 lbs, within 6 months I was at 195. This is where it became difficult for me to keep going up on weight and I started to plateau. By a year I was able to reach 210, I’m back down to 195 as I fell off the intensity of my work out regimen and eating.

It’s also important to note to build and maintain that weight I had to eat a lot of protein, basically my weight in grams daily.

My daily diet looked basically like this at my peak:

8am: 5 eggs and a sweet potato

10:30am: half cup of greek yogurt an apple and a serving of oatmeal

1pm: Salad of mixed greens, tomatoes, onions, quinoa, black beans, 10oz of salmon.

3:30pm: Serving of nuts, banana with almond butter

6pm: Post workout protein shake and amino acids

7pm: Two large chicken breast, two servings of vegetables, sweet potato

10pm: Full glass of milk or some kind of food group high in casein protein, like greek yogurt or some cheeses. The casein protein is super important for your muscles maintaining and grow while you sleep.

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