ahhh yes

Hope I'm not downvoted to death but here goes.. Getting back together because of a unplanned pregnancy is wrong.. Sure the child needs both parents in his/her life and support and endless love.. Diapers included.. But i was a parent at age 15.. Had 2 kids before i graduated.. Michael died at age 13 Cassandra went on to become a Head Er doctor... I hope you guys stay together for the sake of Baby but do not hurt each other with words and trust me you'll argue.. You'll be running out of money unless both sets of grandparents have money.. My first 2 kids mother was 20 I was 15.. After a year she took my babies away to Saskatchewan Canada.. Sadly i never saw Michael jr alive again but took custody of daughter.. Sorry about my endless babbling.. Good Luck and Stay together for Love

/r/WatchPeopleDieInside Thread Link - v.redd.it