[SERIOUS] Men of reddit, who are unable to share their emotions with anyone, what would you like to share?

Throwaway account, thought this was interesting. I’m schizophrenic and the people in my life don’t know, I’m also unmedicated. This is bad on it’s own, however both my family and a number of my friends rely on me or look up to me as a kind of support system. I frequently end up acting as the therapist for people that see me as someone who has their shit together.

In reality (lol), I have visual and auditory hallucinations that are incredibly intrusive; I never wear my glasses and people believe that my hearing isn’t the best, but in reality I don’t want people thinking I’m looking at or hearing stuff that isn’t there. I’ve been terrified of what might happen if anyone in my life found out, so I always made sure to do my best to hide the more tell-tale symptoms.

/r/AskReddit Thread