AITA because I’m unable to get a job

Though i understand being picky. Being a college student fresh out of high school with no experience means you cant be picky if you want or need a job. I have yet to see a single entry level job that high school and college kids get into that are actually decent. Those jobs come with experience and schooling because the more value you have as a employee and the more experience you have the harder it is for a company to get rid of you. Thats why engineers can be assholes if they choose to because a lot of engineering students dont even get to the point of graduation and finding a good engineer is extremely hard. Esentially the more valuable you are the more job security you can have and the more pocky you can be. But domt be fooled into thinking job security makes you invincible because when hard times hit even the most trained people get canned.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent