AITA for asking what my friend sees in his wife?


Someone sounds hella bitter about a happy couple who seem deeply in love and infatuated with each other.

Don't worry, you seem infatuated with him too.

Yes, you were out of line and you deserve to be blocked. You are no friend. You're looking out for superficial expectations of your own, completely disregarding his happiness and his feelings. It's clear you don't even consider his wife's feelings, I don't think you even consider her human. I was honestly expecting you to call her by "it" at some point.

Kind of breaks my heart that you did this while he was at his happiest moment, expressing true joy about his budding family. And selfish to the end. "I insulted his wife and then he got mad and I was like why? And the he didn't even give ME space and just left. And before I could breathe he blocked ME?! I can't possibly be the asshole."

This story kind of feels outrageous tbh, I hope this isn't true.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread