AITA for letting my date pay for dinner?

NTA. Agreed. Games like this make me angry because when I was single (married now) I genuinely wanted to pay for my own food. When your date pays for you, it can feel very awkward. I hate that feeling that I can’t order what I really want or have as many drinks as I want because I need to be “polite” because my date is expected to pay. For those who are unaware, it is polite to order something cheap off the menu when someone else is covering the bill. I hate having to do that. I don’t want to eat salad and drink water. If I’m on a date, I want to enjoy myself. And back then I also made more money than most of the men I dated, so it just didn’t make sense to expect them to pay knowing that they probably had to work a solid 8 hours to earn enough money to pay the bill. One time a guy earning probably about $10/hour insisted on paying for me, and it just made me feel like an asshole. It is more comfortable for me, and I enjoy myself more, if I can pay for my own food and drinks.

Yet, even though it’s the 21st century, so many men argued with me and flat out refused to let me pay. It was infuriating. One time, I had a guy actually get angry with me for paying for dinner. I’m just now realizing that women like this are probably the reason why guys were always so stubborn and would overreact so much when I tried to pay for my own meal.

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