AITA for making my daughters wear dresses when they visit their grandparents?

YTA. What you need to understand, is the grandparents may lose contact with the girls regardless. Wether it’s because they cut contact as soon as possible, or if it’s because they dress in a way they’re comfortable with, and the grandparents can’t deal with it.

What they need is to have you stand up for them and care about their feelings on the subject. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it’s clearly is for them.

I dyed my hair blue when I was in school, and my grandmother acted as if my mom was the worst mother ever for allowing that. But she listened to what I wanted, and stood up for me. And guess what? I’m heavily tattooed and pierced now, and my grandparents manage. Do they like my appearance? Absolutely not, but they still care about me more, even if I get a comments about it

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread