AITA for not paying for dinner ingredients?

Update: I sent him a message asking how much was i needing to pay, its just $20

Now I can see some people rolling their eyes at that and saying just to pay it, but I only have $10 to my name until i get payed. All my money has been put into my apartment and fixing my car.

I called my DM and we talked it out, there was a small miscommunication between the messages that came across as rude on his part and wanted to make sure I wasn’t upset. He didn’t want me to think they’d let me starve on my small budget and i explained my budget to him.

We agreed that if I CAN they appreciate if I can chip in a few dollars and if I couldn’t he completely understands and because I can’t spare anything this week

He’s letting me bring the two large pizzas. All is well thank you everyone!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread