AITA for not wanting contact anymore with my partner's best friend?

When I was younger, something similar happened to me. Went to a small get together at a close guy friend's house. I honestly considered him to be one of my best friends at the time. We were all drinking and I arranged beforehand to crash at his place after to avoid driving drunk (before the age of uber). Way later as the party died down, drunkish me and a close girlfriend fall asleep in the guest room while maybe five or so guys were playing video games in the living. I wake up to someone standing over me in the dark ejaculating on my face and in my hair.

I honestly didn't even understand what was happening until I heard them zip up their pants and then bolt out of the room. I freaked out and ran into the living room WITH JIZZ ON MY FACE demanding to know who had just come out of our room. I dont think I was being hysterical but all my guy friends acted like I was being ridiculous, saos no one here would do that, and that if someone ran by they didnt see so I just needed to let it go. I took a really long shower and my friendship with those dudes just fell apart after that. I felt crazy around them because it felt like such a big deal to me and no one else ever even acknowleded it happened. Now I finally realize they were all shitty people and I wasnt crazy to get upset.

Years later one of the guys FB messaged and apologized for what he did.. made some speech about how he was in a bad place or smth. By that point in my life I had almost convinced myself I had made it up so it was definitely bittersweet to have him confirm my reality. I never could bring myself to respond though. Fuck that guy. And fuck people that would rather sweep the issue under the rug than face the fact that their friends might be assholes.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread