
In patient is a fucking joke 99% of the time. However that 1% can be invaluable for years to come.

For instance:

Feel like you're losing it again in the future? Well are you back in that fucking hell hole? No? Then you're probably ok. And if that hellhole genuinely seems better, then you know you need some serious help.

Think you are a total and complete fuck up loser? There were a minimum of five people in there way worse off than you, so chill out.

Think you're unique? You're fucking not. There are ten sad sacks just like you in there. It's okay to be alike, even if it's in misery. Move along.

Group exercises will call for anonymously saying nice things about everyone in the group. People are at their most vulnerable and usually their most honest in these places. Someone might tell you that you're a great listener, or have nice hair, or make coffee the best. Whatever it is, it's a complement delivered without ulterior motive, and it will stick.

The doctors won't give two shits about you. The nurses will be overworked and underpaid. The staff is not there to help, they are there to avoid situations which could result in lawsuits. They will be too short staffed to be able to pay attention to anyone expect the violent or repeatedly disobedient patients. But other patients will care. They will be your allies. You can form a group to help guide the counseling.

And overall, the best thing about inpatient is that you are completely removed from the pressures of daily life outside of hygiene. You will not go to work. You will not be with your family. You will not drive a car. You will not answer phone calls or emails or read depressing news stories on the Internet. It is your bubble. It is your safe haven. It is where you can go to think about you and only you.

They will want to put you on drugs. Take them. Let them stabilize you. Then come out and get into a DBT program.

/r/confessions Thread Parent