AITA for planning family vacations that my SIL can’t afford


First off y'all are entitled as fuck. 2 (or 4) international vacations a year? That's crazy and I travel often (domestic mostly)

You were an ass for planning it in front of them and not having the decency to not rub it in their face.

They're assholes for trying to skate by in life with their parents money. Sounds like they were afforded every opportunity in life to be successful and they still ended up barely being able to afford rent.

Seeing as your family is, well, rich, would it be completely crazy for you all to pitch in a bit of money to take them on one of the trips? Maybe not get them first class flights or big suites or expensive dinners. If it doesn't go well, don't do it again. But give it a shot.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread