Give all male children vasectomies after birth. The perfect contraceptive device until they truly want children and can afford to have the procedure reversed.

psh we have clonning technologies.

and we have to be genreder equal.

castrate the males and castrate the females.

and clone anyone who wants to have children volia.

heads up random sexual reporduction for future generations is a requirment for sustainable species

have you watched stargate sg1. the "Asgard" did away with sexual reproduction. and now they cannot any longer reproduce at all. and are trying to figure out how to keep their species alive as they clone stock gets worse each year :( this is wat would happen.

we need sex. we need off spring. we need the un fit offspring to die! sure death is sad. but without death there would be no value in life!

however i do love the idea of clonning and population control and robots doing all the work.

as a rich person who no longer works for anything i would love to clone dumb shits to be workers. have their only goal in life to feel value from doing hard days work. this way they never spend their earnings and i can continue my way of life without lifing a finger!

and population controlls allow me to control the population! and i love that! amazing. keep spreading the word death is bad. control the population because it is good and moral!

/r/CrazyIdeas Thread