All the newer Warframes require way more grind and it is becoming exhausting.

Nidus and Harrow are annoying because they are missions that people don't like and have no reason to do otherwise. Khora would have been fine if there weren't 2 rotation C parts with only a 5.64% chance and 20 minutes per attempt. They doubled the chances recently so Khora won't be as bad anymore anyways. All of the other ones you mentioned aren't that bad.

The syndicate warframes are not that bad. You know when you rank up Ostrons/Solaris United/Vox Solaris you are getting access to more than the warframes right?

For revenant there's a 32.1% chance to get the chassis, 16.27% to get the neuroptics and a 29.5% chance to get the systems per bounty. I wouldn't call those shit drop chances. As for sentient cores if you do tridolons once you will have the 25 already. You can get 1 to 2 Cetus wisps per minute consistently with no booster so I don't see the problem with 3 wisps.

Are you guys just completely ignoring Fortuna and Cetus until suddenly you decide you really want the warframes? I'd be maxing out Solaris United and Vox Solaris even if garuda and baruuk didn't exist so for me they actually took 0 extra effort. If you rank up by doing the bounties you will have multiple sets of garuda, gara, and revenant blueprints by the time you reach the rank necessary to craft them.

/r/Warframe Thread