She always know what to say

I said if they do.

They haven't. If I had wheels I'd be a wagon. You are criticizing people for something they haven't done. Can we at least wait until your prediction becomes fact?

Yes, the House Dems are proposing no negative changes - but it's the Senate Dems that this needs to get through.

It shouldn't be up to one party with 50 Senators (the slimmest margin possible only with a tie-breaking vote from Kamala Harris) to get it through.

For now

As opposed to when? Of course now. I'm not pretending that Democrats have backpedaled before they do it.

this has to clear the Senate Dems

and Independents and Republicans. Yes, that's how government works. The solution would be more Senate Dems so every Senate Dem from a Conservative district isn't put on the spot to lose their seat. Not less.

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