I Am That

"I am that." could be a real eye-opener.

Look at a beautiful forest and say, "I am that." and, when you see something "ugly", say, "That's the beautiful forest I am.".

This is what you came here for. You really "don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" and to discover what you've got, you came here to this illusion of the absence of awesomeness. You came here to lose yourself with every intention of finding a way back in the same shoes you got lost in. No crap, no awe.

You probably won't believe it now but one day you'll look at all that you hate on this day and love every bit of it. You're the prodigal son. You're living the idea that "man is greater, even than the angels" who never come to strife and, therefore, can't see themselves nor the awesomeness of reality/existence - which NG calls "The Law".

There was a time when all was "One" but that time has passed and can never be again. It was nothing. It was the "nothingness", out of which walked "somethingness". The context out of which all perceivable things are taken and experienced and cannot be unexperienced. "The Womb" you've grown beyond. That which can't take you back. The "home" to which you can't go again. Nonexistence. The womb from which The Law emerged. The mother from which the father was born.

Yes, you're all that. And you have never been as awesome as you are in this moment which isn't even close to as awesome as you will be in the next moment.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread