Single person wanting to purchase 2bd apt to pay down student loans faster - bad idea?

Horrible idea. Almost all you wrote are financially bad ideas. I mean, your logic is convoluted and boggles the mind. You plan to get out of debt by incurring bigger debt....I mean I just don't know where to start with this. Get rid of the credit card debt first. You not being able to kill a what I assume a small cc debt shows your lack of financial discipline. I don't even get what you mean by ,"...but it would still continue to accrue my monthly because the reward (1.5%) is totally worth it." I'm assuming you put it on a reward credit card, which means your 1.5% reward is a one time bonus you get when you made the initial purchase, no bonus 'accrue' on the balance. And I see you have the 0% until 11/16, doesn't matter, a couple of months won't make any difference, just kill this. Then work on your student loan. You are so far financially from owning a home, you shouldn't worry about it for now. Although some loan officer will tell you otherwise, these people should be shot. And on top of that, why won't you apply for other jobs at other places (states) if they might offer you better salary? Your ROI on your education is not too bad $51k per year on 65k debt is not bad, but it could definitely be better. Being frugal is good, but just saying that you are frugal and not being able to get a handle on your debt is kinda like saying you're smart but you get F on your report card. Being able to kill your debt and saving for a down payment shows you are actually frugal and financially healthy. "I come from a small town where almost everyone lives at or under the poverty line" you said this yourself, you don't have to listen to me but read more advice from this board. But please don't just 'follow your gut' regarding financial matter, especially if your 'gut' comes about from living in a financially illiterate community.

/r/personalfinance Thread