Why I am here.

Wait, blacks cause 100% of your problems? So why the niggerloving?Still don't hate 100% blacky this story sounds like your a beta loser let niggers and woman push you around. What is the deal with these worthless piece of shit niggers?

Niggers are given everything for free. They get welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, free college tuition, jobs that more qualified humans would have gotten, plus whatever nigger lotto money they collect. Then they go act like the white man is trying to hold them down. Think about these niggers getting welfare. They are getting paid to fail. They are getting paid to produce more worthless niglets. Then section 8. White people like yourself are working their asses off to just scrape by in a small apartment while niggers are living in a house for free and then complaining that the house is not nice enough. I am so sick of people like OP not calling a ape a spade.

And then they get free college tuition and complain that they never get any opportunities in life to better themselves. Then, niggers can go anywhere and get a job just for being black, but instead, complain about how they can't get a job anywhere. They just don't want to get a job because they just want to sit on their asses all day and collect welfare checks. At my job, whites, mexicans, and asians come in everyday asking for jobs. But never, not once the entire four years that I have worked there have I ever seen a nigger come in looking for a job.

And on top of all that, since they don't have to get a job because they are collecting your tax dollars, they utilize that time to break into your cars and houses to steal your stuff while vandalizing everything in sight and then, use your money to do drugs and buy bling. Think about these niggers complaining about how they don't get enough money from handouts while at the same time, wearing bling and blinging out their cars trying to act all rich in front of everyone.

The only exercise that these fat as fuck sheboons get is their once a month walk to the mail box to get their welfare check and rape women.

I don't understand why this world just keeps respecting this worthless species. Nigger enablers should just be disposed of immediately.

/r/CoonTown Thread