Were you wearing a short dress? Feminists gonna feminist

Yeah, well reddit is full of white knights and 2X is full of women who think 3rd wave feminism is for equal rights. I mean look at the nonissue we talk about. Rape has been declining. Now it is sexual assault. I've had my ass grabbed in a bar (not sure if it was a guy or girl) so I fit in that category also. No one cares about prison rapes because the deserve it.

The Justice Department now seems to be saying that prison rape accounted for the majority of all rapes committed in the US in 2008, likely making the United States the first country in the history of the world to count more rapes for men than for women.


The wage gap is an out and out fucking lie. Even in nursing men average more. It is because they go after higher paying positions. They also tend to work more.

So yeah tell me how fucking bad you have women it. You are out pacing guys in college. You scream rape and a guy goes to jail. You take half our shit when we get divorced. Now guys are suing for alimony and it is a problem. Your prison sentences are less. You can assault a 17 year old boy, ripe his shirt off and stick your fingers in his mouth. Had he not been filming he'd have went to jail. The girl got probation and if she completes it is wiped off her record. One of the two teachers that banged a 17 year old boy didn't get jail time or end up on the sex offenders list.

At some point in time we as a society are going to have to start addressing female privilege and the war on men. Two things are going to drive this. The first is when these women of today start having their sons fall behind in work and school. The second is going to be when there is a lack of "suitable" husbands because the deck has become so stacked they can't find work and fail out of school.

You women don't want equal rights and when I see you treated equally you blame the shit treatment on being a girl. Welcome to being treated like a guy. It's a fucking riot. Go ask Norah Vincent about it. She ended up in a mental hospital.

Feminism has become so nuts they have ran out of issues to deal with so they are attacking nonissues. The goal is clear. They want women to be treated better than guys. It's a war and people are starting to wise up.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - feministsgonnafeminist.blogspot.de