I am looking for a good left-leaning political news and opinion magazine. Currently, I am eyeing Jacobin. Would yall say that's a good choice?

The article you linked criticizes the mainstream media for platforming defense contractors as ‘experts’ on the Ukraine war. Whatever you think of US policy towards Russia’s invasion, we should all agree that defense companies are biased on the issues. Jacobin isn’t “Pro-Russia” for pointing this out.

I’ve seen some of your other posts. They’re still unconvincing. You talk about the F35s as being the pinnacle of modern technology and how any sane person should support their production. Sure, the plane has been improved in recent years but can’t you understand how some see its massive price tag as a waste? You have fallen into the same ideological rigidity that you see in your left-wing enemies. You think that anyone who doesn’t support building more tools of war for “our side” as supporting the other side. This is black and white thinking and is unhelpful. I want to have a genuine discussion with you but I fear we have been talking past each other so far. Tell me, do you want to have a discussion or an argument with me?

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