"I am a pharmacy student. My psycho bitch practicum professor failed me on day 2 for NO REASON. Everyone has committed EDUCATIONAL MALPRACTICE because I did nothing wrong." BURIED LEDE ALERT: LAOP comes back 2 days later to explain the offense at hand was the improper dispensing of medication. OOPS.

I don’t really know how pharmacy school works, but I was certified in pharmacology as a tech (CPhT). The law then was that every single prescription had to be double checked by the pharmacist on duty - not just the label (making sure the label matches what the doctor wrote), but the pills, their markings, color, etc. There absolutely were times techs made mistakes and pulled the wrong meds (strength, brand, etc) or maybe two bottles were mixed up and a label was put on the wrong bottle. Very busy pharmacies can do over 2k prescriptions a day. These things happen. I don’t know how flippant or shitty this person acted, but no one was ever fired where I worked for a mistake like this. Warned, sure. Written up, perhaps. Never fired.

/r/bestoflegaladvice Thread Link - reddit.com