I am S. Vagus; laid bare for all to witness, here to promote me and mine. This, is my [Author Spotlight].

Your post scared me a bit. I don't want to sound rude, and I hope you'll understand the spirit in which I'm saying this, but you read like a teenager who is feeling a little bit too full of himself.

I did not take it as you trying to be rude. I will admit I did wrestle over whether or not I should be more commercial (something that I know I will have to end up ultimately being) and less personal in my approach. Commercial is a bit easier to digest and personal tends to rub people strongly one way or another, and some people dislike being rubbed in general. Suffice to say I can only control what I write, not what people read. If I fuck up along the way I'm happy to admit I was wrong and try something new, but I merely wanted to try being as 'me' as possible first. In my mind I am treating this thread as if I were sitting in a room with everyone and talking to them directly. I can see that it does not work for most who have commented in this thread (thank you all who have), but I started this a certain way and I would like to play it out. Just this once. At the very least this is a learning experience and I know what better to whittle away.

I'm not sure I understand the last sentence. Who (or what) do you refer to when you say the latest one?

I was intentionally being vague about the proper noun, Integra Divinitas. As it is the last paragraph I thought it would be best served as a mystery, but I can see how for some it might be a bit much.

Thanks for sharing with us!

No, thank you far more for reading. I hope that I haven't 'poisoned the well' so to speak, and that you enjoy it. Who I am as a person and who I am as an author are two different people and I have always tried to not let either affect people's perception of the other.

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