Amazing Tupac interview, talks about Trump and touches on the problems in American society.

First of all, socialism has no 'welfare mentality', and it's quite the opposite. Socialism breeds poverty. Everybody works and helps everybody out, and everybody has very little. I don't know what 'welfare mentality' you keep referring to. You act as tho people in fully socialist nations who are poor as shit have this entitlement to just get free shit when in reality, those of us living in western countries are much more entitled. I'm not a socialist. Socialism is a terrible system, in my opinion. I do think Socialism has a lot to teach us, tho. There's absolutely NOTHING entitled about thinking you should give your money away, or thinking that it's unfair of someone like Donald Trump who was born rich, inherited a name and a brand from his father (Plus 50-200m) and was able to get richer off of someone else's hard work while there are people all over the world who are born with nothing, born into nothing, and will never be able to achieve any type of success because it actually DOES take money to make money.

Second of all, do you not see how what you're saying makes you look indoctrinated as well? You're speaking as tho wealth is the be all end all. Tbh the way you're talking is a little bit sickening. I wasn't raised "socialist". I feel bad knowing that I have so much compared to other people in the world. Why should I have more than someone who was born in Mexico because I was born on the right side of the border? Why should I have so much more, such a higher standard of living when people in South America and Africa have NOTHING? Do you honestly not feel any type of guilt, or remorse for having so much just because you were born in America? I think capitalism has turned you into something terrible. We're supposed to care about each other first and foremost. Not how much wealth we can personally attain.

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